Monday, February 28, 2011

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on

Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity | Video on

Taylor Mali: What teachers make | Video on

Taylor Mali: What teachers make | Video on

Is English a relevant subject in 2011?

I could rattle of reasons from the top of my head to why learning in the English classroom is still important. However, I thought it would be interesting to keep a blog on my every day examples. Ones that might even surprise you.

Tuesday, March 1  I just had to complete a pen and paper documentation of why I needed to be excused from jury duty. This was the ONLY option. Just some of the skills I needed were to read, to find out what I needed to do. In addition, I needed to write neat and spell correctly so my account was legible. I also had to put sentences together to convey my point so that my excuse will be taken seriously. – My reflection on this poses two questions. Does this therefore reflect the need to still teach handwriting? Or is our government system outdated and in need of digitization?

Back at Uni

I have to admit my first day back was harder than I anticipated. I arrived at the uni with excitement and by my last class I was exhausted, so much so I could not even concentrate. Probably a good thing to keep in mind at the end of the day when I have my own class.

Today I met a couple of inspirational lecturers/teachers who have been in the system for a while now, still love it, are passionate and actually tech savvy. I think they even have more knowledge of ICTs than me. From these lecturers I have already added teaching tools and have ideas for future lesson plans! Thanks to my English Method teacher I have found, there is no doubt about it, this is amazing. Death by power point should no longer be a problem.

Later in the week I hope to begin some critical blogs based round my university learning and personal interests on education.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

2011 Education Reading List - Watch this space!

I will be compiling an annotated bibliography of educational books, journals, websites and other sources in which I am currently using. I will add to this list throughout the semester. So keep an eye on this blog for its updates.


The night before my first day back at The University of Newcastle (Uon)

I have been madly searching the Uon Blackboard for resources, booklists, timetable and assignments in preparation for my first day back at university. This is my final semester and it is going to be huge. I have fifty units to complete in seven weeks and following that a ten week internship. The purpose of this blog is not only to fulfill the course requirements that I have just read on EDUC4136, but also to build an educational resource. I am endeavoring to turn this blog to a one stop exploration of education. It will provide a myriad of resources for exploring teaching. This blog will begin at the novice teacher completing university studies, graduating, gaining employment, tools for the classroom teacher and ultimately experiences of the practitioner. 
